General Introduction to Magyar Posta
Magyar Posta is one of the biggest company groups and employers in Hungary. It has more than thirty thousand employees, 2,700 post offices, 350 mobile posts, a vehicle fleet of 3,000, a unique logistics network and an extensive services portfolio.
On 1 January 2013, Hungary also joined the liberalized postal market of the European Union, so Magyar Posta is measured by each of its services at the competitive market today. By virtue of the agreement concluded with the Hungarian State, universal postal service provider’s tasks shall be provided by Magyar Posta until 2020 in order to ensure that each citizen has access to basic services without discrimination.
Magyar Posta is one of the most long-standing companies in Hungary, made unique by its history dating back to the 1500s, the reign of Ferdinand I. Postmen are in high social esteem: according to independent surveys, citizens place most trust in them - besides firemen and teachers. All this can be attributed to a company ars poetica stating that the aspects of the highest priority include flexible adaptation to customer needs and a reliable professional customer service.
Magyar Posta provides rapid and professional services today for both private and business customers not only in letter and parcel delivery and bill payment services, but in a number of other segments as well.In the spirit of preparations for electronization, the Electronic Postal Centre produces and manages parcels by unique means, outstanding at European level as well. Owing to professional printshops, parcel production and delivery are also offered as a complex service.Magyar Posta is a number one player of the newspaper distribution and delivery market. Hungarian postage stamps, characterized by creativity, innovation and quality design, have increased the reputation of Hungary worldwide for decades. Works by Hungarian designers win international awards year by year. The on-going reduction of traditional postal services is compensated by the Company through other activities such as meter reading.
As a result of acquisition moves, Magyar Posta obtained an ownership share in Díjbeszedő Holding Zrt., thus reaching a dominant share in the e-billing market, representing an alternative of traditional bill payments. Through the expansion of e-commerce, the strategic objective of Magyar Posta is to become the top player in the parcel delivery market. Therefore parcel delivery has been made more flexible as in addition to postal outlets, parcels can be picked up at 125 petrol stations (MOL Posta Pont) where round-the-clock-service is typical. Furthermore, in line with international trends, but being the first among Hungarian courier service providers, thirty-five parcel machines have been put into operation.
Magyar Posta offers outstanding logistics services. It owns the largest Hungarian outlet network and logistics system, developed by the Company on an on-going basis.
Magyar Posta operates a fleet of more than 3,000 vehicles. Vehicles are equipped with GPS tracking devices, ensuring optimal service planning and an intelligent parcel tracking system. Posta Autó Duna offers complex fleet management services not only for Magyar Posta but also for other companies on the market, including operation and maintenance. Our subsidiary JNT Security provides comprehensive cash logistics services, and Posta Biztosító is already a dominant player in the insurance market.
Magyar Posta Befektetési Zrt. plays an important role in public securities trading. It is a strategic goal of Magyar Posta to strengthen its cash mediation business, making use of the fact that it has one of the largest sales networks in Hungary. As a financial intermediary, Magyar Posta serves as many as 200,000 clients on a day-to-day basis even now. Counter staff transacts 173 million customer contacts per annum, including traditional postal services. This system has an enormous sales potential. Magyar Posta is also involved in the integration of co-operative credit institutions, currently in progress. This is aimed to establish a financial service provider of national coverage by combining the network of Magyar Posta and credit institutions in order to provide high-standard postal and cash transaction services, thereby contributing to the competitiveness of rural areas.
Magyar Posta is granted development support through EU grant proposals. The first successful stage thereof is the ”Postal Agora” programme, where various community services are available for customers at postal outlets operating with IT support. And services provided in the framework of the Hybrid project enable public administration to deliver letters mailed electronically in the traditional manner, subject to appropriate authentication.