Easter 2014
Easter 2014
To celebrate Easter, Christianity’s most important feast, Magyar Posta is issuing a regular postage stamp with a face value of HUF 115, on which the painting Recognition by the Kossuth Prize-winning artist Erzsébet Udvardi can be seen. The stamp design depicts the recognition of the Redeemer when breaking bread and the two disciples who encountered the risen Jesus on the way to the village of Emmaus. The apostle Luke mentions them in the Bible, but only names one of the two, Cleopas. The stamp was produced at the banknote printing company Pénzjegynyomda using a photograph by József Hajdú and the design of the graphic artist Eszter Domé through a combination of offset and gold foil printing. The new stamp will be available at large post offices and Filaposta in Hungary from 28 March, but may also be purchased from Magyar Posta’s online store.
“Now that same day two of them were going to a
village called Emmaus, about seven miles from Jerusalem.
They were talking with each other about
everything that had happened.
As they talked and discussed these things with
each other, Jesus himself came up and walked along with them;
but they were kept from recognising him.
He asked them,
What are you discussing together as you walk
They stood still, their
faces downcast.
One of them, named Cleopas, asked him,
Are you the only one visiting
Jerusalem who does not know the things that have happened there in these days?
(Luke 24: 13-18)
“As they approached the village to which they
were going, Jesus continued on as if he were going further.
But they urged him strongly,
Stay with us, for it is
nearly evening; the day is almost over.
So he went in to stay with them.
When he was at the table with them, he took
bread, gave thanks, broke it and began to give it to them.
Then their eyes were opened and they recognised
him, and he disappeared from their sight.” (Luke 24: 28-31)On the first day cover the painting Thomas Meets the Risen Christ by
Erzsébet Udvardi in the church of the Holy Cross, Fertőd and the Biblical
quotation “Blessed are those who have not
seen and yet have believed” (John 20: 29) appear.
Order code: 2014050010031 (stamp); 2014050060032 (FDC)
Date of issue: 28 March 2014 Face value: HUF 115
Printing method: offset and gold foil printing
Number of copies: 400,000 butmay be reprinted depending on demand.
Perforated size of stamp: 30x40 mm
Printed by Pénzjegynyomda Photo by József Hajdú
Designed by Eszter Domé
To celebrate Easter in a unique manner in the world of philately, Magyar Posta presents the passion and resurrection of Jesus in a miniature sheet of fifteen stamps. The miniature sheet features the paintings entitled The Way of the Cross by the Kossuth Prize-winning artist Erzsébet Udvardi (1929-2013) in the church of the Holy Cross in Fertőd, which were reproduced using a combination of offset and foil printing. The new miniature sheet will be available at large post offices and Filaposta in Hungary from 28 March, but may also be purchased from Magyar Posta’s online store.
Besides the central figure of the paintings,
the suffering Jesus as he walks the Way of the Cross, other figures depicted
are Pontius Pilate condemning Jesus to death and a Jewish high priest (I), the
soldiers carrying out the execution (III, X, XI), Jesus’ holy mother, Mary,
(IV, XII), Simon of Cyrene (V), Veronica (VI), Joseph of Arimathea asking for
the body of Jesus (XIV) and Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Salome
(XV). The subject of each of the paintings in the order of the stamps is:
I Pilate condemns Jesus to death
II Jesus carries his cross
III Jesus falls with the cross for the first time
IV Jesus meets his mother
V Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus carry the cross
VI Veronica offers her veil to Jesus
VII Jesus falls with the cross for the second time
VIII Jesus comforts the women of Jerusalem
IX Jesus falls under the weight of the cross for the third time
X Jesus is stripped of his garments
XI Jesus is nailed to the cross
XII Jesus dies on the cross
XIII Jesus is taken down from the cross and laid on his mother’s lap
XIV Jesus is laid in the tomb
XV The angel announces the resurrection of Jesus
The regular postage stamp Easter 2014 can also
be purchased as an exclusive set. The front of the holder is enhanced by a
cut-out cross edged with gold foil. An extract from the poem On the Third Day by János Pilinszky appears on the cover, and inside in the space under
the miniature sheet there are quotations from the Bible related to the subject
of each painting. On the back there is a description in Hungarian and English.
Order code: 2014051040011 (sheet), 2014052030011
Date of issue: 28 March 2014
Total face value: HUF 1,350
Printing method: offset and foil printing
Number of copies: 30,000
sheets but may be reprinted dependent on demand.
Perforated size: 35x35 mm
Imperforated size: 125x215 mm
Printed by Pénzjegynyomda
by József Hajdú Designed by Eszter Domé